Army Youth Program Evaluation

Partnership/Type: Army
Status: Current Project

The Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State (Clearinghouse) has been tasked by the United States Army (Army) to address gaps in knowledge regarding aspects of Youth Program’s Army-wide programming. Topics for examination include program functioning and means of improvement; outcomes for youth, their families, and the Army; and cost effectiveness of the Army’s investment in Youth Programs. Through a directed Request for Applications from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the Clearinghouse is conducting a process evaluation (phase one) and then, if feasible, will proceed with an outcome evaluation (phase two) and a cost-benefit analysis (phase three) of the Youth Program. A Landscape Analysis of Army Youth Programs was conducted, site visits are in progress, and a logic model and report delineating recommendations for program refinement will be provided following the conclusion of phase one in summer 2025. Based on the Clearinghouse’s work with the Army for over 10 years, Clearinghouse professionals understand that increasing evidence-based practice among the Army’s social-service providers is a priority. The selection, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of evidence-based programs and practices are critical to the Army’s ability to produce positive outcomes for Service members and their families.